
Cryptocurrencies: King’s Ransom or Fool’s Gold?

Lo, Andrew W. (2018), Cryptocurrencies: King’s Ransom or Fool’s Gold?, RISK, October 2.

Momentum, Mean-Reversion, and Social Media: Evidence from StockTwits and Twitter

Agrawal, Shreyash, Pablo D. Azar, Andrew W. Lo, and Taranjit Singh (2018), Momentum, Mean-Reversion, and Social Media: Evidence from StockTwits and Twitter, Journal of Portfolio Management 44 (7), 85–95.

Moore’s Law vs. Murphy’s Law in the Financial System: Who’s Winning?

Lo, Andrew W. (2017), Moore’s Law vs. Murphy’s Law in the Financial System: Who’s Winning?, Journal of Investment Management 15 (1), 17–38.

The Wisdom of Twitter Crowds: Predicting Stock Market Reactions to FOMC Meetings via Twitter Feeds

Azar, Pablo D., and Andrew W. Lo (2016), The Wisdom of Twitter Crowds: Predicting Stock Market Reactions to FOMC Meetings via Twitter Feeds, Journal of Portfolio Management 42 (5), 123–134.

Q Group Panel Discussion: Looking to the Future

Leibowitz, Martin, Andrew W. Lo, Robert C. Merton, Stephen A. Ross, and Jeremy Siegel (2016), Q Group Panel Discussion: Looking to the Future, Financial Analysts Journal 72 (4), 17–25.

Imagine if Robo Advisers Could Do Emotions

Lo, Andrew W. (2016), Imagine if Robo Advisers Could Do Emotions, Wall Street Journal, June 6.

Law Is Code: A Software Engineering Approach to Analyzing the United States Code

Li, William, Pablo D. Azar, David Larochelle, Phil Hill, and Andrew W. Lo (2015), Law Is Code: A Software Engineering Approach to Analyzing the United States Code, Journal of Business & Technology Law 10 (2), 297–374.

Learning Connections in Financial Time Series

Ganeshapillai, Gartheeban, John Guttag, and Andrew W. Lo (2013), Learning Connections in Financial Time Series, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Machine Learning, in PMLR 28 (2), 109–117.

Using Algorithmic Attribution Techniques To Determine Authorship In Unsigned Judicial Opinions

Li, William, Pablo D. Azar, David Larochelle, Phil Hill, James Cox, Robert C. Berwick, and Andrew W. Lo (2013), Using Algorithmic Attribution Techniques to Determine Authorship in Unsigned Judicial Opinions, Stanford Technology Law Review 16 (3), 503–534.

Moore’s Law versus Murphy’s Law: Algorithmic Trading and Its Discontents

Kirilenko, Andrei A., and Andrew W. Lo (2013), Moore’s Law versus Murphy’s Law: Algorithmic Trading and Its Discontents, Journal of Economic Perspectives 27 (2), 51–72.

Finance is in Need of a Technological Revolution

Lo, Andrew W. (2012), Finance is in Need of a Technological Revolution, Financial Times, August 27.

Privacy-Preserving Methods for Sharing Financial Risk Exposures

Abbe, Emmanuel A., Amir E. Khandani, and Andrew W. Lo (2012), Privacy-Preserving Methods for Sharing Financial Risk Exposures, American Economic Review 102 (3), 65–70.

A Computational View of Market Efficiency

Hasanhodzic, Jasmina, Andrew W. Lo, and Emanuele Viola (2011), A Computational View of Market Efficiency, Quantitative Finance 11 (7), 1043–1050.

Securities Trading of Concepts (STOC)

Dahan, Ely, Adlar J. Kim, Andrew W. Lo, Tomaso Poggio, and Nicholas Chan (2011), Securities Trading of Concepts (STOC), Journal of Marketing Research 48 (3), 497–517.

Consumer Credit-Risk Models via Machine-Learning Algorithms

Khandani, Amir E., Adlar J. Kim, and Andrew W. Lo (2010), Consumer Credit-Risk Models via Machine-Learning Algorithms, Journal of Banking & Finance 34 (11), 2767–2787.